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Night Owl

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8.6 k downloads

Help your eyes rest at night

Older versions of Night Owl

Newer versions of Night Owl may sometimes fail to install on older devices. Also, new updates may not be fully compatible with some Android architectures. While the developer fixes the problem, try using an older version of Night Owl. Previous versions of Night Owl can be found in Uptodown's version history, where the app's available files are stored. Safely download previous versions of Night Owl for Android.
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apk 3.04 Android + 4.4 Dec 9, 2021
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apk 3.01 Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Oct 15, 2020
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apk 2.19 Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Sep 27, 2018
apk 2.18 Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Sep 9, 2024
apk 2.05 Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Mar 5, 2023
apk 1.14 Android + 10.9 Mavericks Jun 15, 2016